IO2- SAFE – The streaming concept for schools

Basis for the streaming Concept for schools is the DISK-Online model of Beutner/Pechuel presented at the Ministry of Education (NRW) in October 2020. The DISK-Online Approach was developped and tested in 2020 under the restrictions of COVID-19 and was also succesfully presented at SITE Interactive Conference USA and Innovate Learning Conference USA in 2020.

The SAFE- streaming concept will be based on the DISK-Online approach and will adapt this approach to a common European one which focusses also on the different educational environments and cultures in Europe and especially in the SAFE partner countries.

The partners discuss the DISK-Online approach, revise it according to the national needs and the situations and requirements at school. Moreover, the consortium discuss the importance of hybrid learning in times of COVID-19. Each school has to adjust the concept to the local and regional requirements and the technical equipment. Therefore, the different step-by-step solutions within the DISK-Online approach (DISK1, DISK2, DISK3 and DISK4) can be the basis for the national approaches and in combination of the SAFE results a common European approach can be created.

The concept design bases on the results of the IO research and take also the local school situations into account. The concept design is the basis for the streaming evaluation in the following IOs (IO3, IO4and IO5) and the heart of the topics which will be addressed in the following teacher training course in IO3.

The following materials were developed for IO2: