A bespoke, modular Teacher- Traing- Curriculum for streaming at schools will be developed as a basis for the online courses and learning modules on the learning platform to be developed. The idea is to support the acquisition of key high-value competences necessary for the establishing modern and innovative learning with as comparable European focus which works under COVID-19.
The development of this new curriculum will require an ‘ab initio’ approach as there is little in terms of available coherent educational resources addressing the target groups or the school streaming area in any partner country.
It is accepted that considerable differences in cultures, schools, the educational system, technical equipment and external supports for the development will exist in partner countries, therefore, the range of modules required to address the topic area ´streaming´ will necessarily be comprehensive to ensure the curriculum has a
practical value in all partner countries.
(The agreed learning outcomes outlined in the Acceptance Research Report of IO1 will be the constant benchmark for partner work and this will allow partners to tailor content to suit local cultural and societal values.)
Demonstrating the flexibility of the proposed curriculum will also aid further transferability beyond the SAFE project consortium. The curriculum developed will specifically address the needs of teacher in general and VET schools in terms of appropriateness of learning environments, structure and relevance of learning content and accessibility of learning platforms.
The Modules and Trainings are available in the partner languages: English, German, Czech and Spanish
You can follow the link and get directly to the SAFE- Teacher Training Course & Curriculum
SAFE – Teacher Training Course & Curriculum – SAFE – Streaming Approaches for Europe (eduproject.eu)

The following materials were developed for IO3:

In Detail:
Teacher- Training- Course

Classroom Materials for the Teacher- Training- Course